Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
People always say that kids are the future, but that's wrong. Kids are the present! At New City, we seek to include kids in the life and ministry of the church rather than separating them and sending them off to do their own thing. They are an example of faith to grown-ups, and their voices need to be heard.
Sunday Mornings
10:00-10:30 am
Our kids (1st-5th grade) meet for Bible study on Sunday mornings before worship. They are going through the Gospel Project, an engaging curriculum that teaches them how the whole Bible fits together and how every story points to Jesus.
10:30-12:00 am
During worship, families are encouraged to worship together. You'll even see kids up front reading Scripture, offering a prayer, or helping to lead the singing. During the sermon, we offer a nursery for children K5 and under.